Your donation to WON EARTH (WE) will help us deliver WON CUP, the first re-usable, biodegradable cup which motivates participants to re-use it, to every person world wide as quickly as possible...
...and stop the trash and pollution problem faster!
WE begins the process of saving our environment, including the animal and plant population with cleaner air, water and land by motivating humans to function in a cleaner and more conscious way without asking them to do it. By using WON CUP and its incentives, we inherently slow plastic usage without anyone even realizing. Our goal is to reduce plastic production pollution and waste by presenting the reusable WON CUP which is also biodegradable if discarded.
WON CUP lowers plastic demand by incentivising participants to reuse it, helping to beat pollution in the production phase and physical waste afterwards as well.
It is time and it already is.
Support WON CUP!
WON EARTH (WE) is Ready To Help Win Earth BACK!
WE is dedicated to the Manifestation that WE have Already Won Earth Back from all the Trash, Waste and Pollution humans have been continuously dumping onto earth, into its atmosphere and into its Oceans, Streams and Rivers. To do this....WE have to start somewhere. WE has chosen to begin with containers that are biodegradable as well as reusable and add technology that motivates people to reuse them with rewards, so we don't keep manufacturing them over and over again.
Our goal is to reduce excessive plastic production contributing to poor air quality and waste pollution which will also reduce what we DUMP into our land and water.
This Movement starts with WON CUP;
a reusable biodegradable cup that will reward participating consumers for using it over and over again!
This is a world wide Movement, not a product, and to get there WE needs all hands on deck!
The Movement changes how people function by giving them rewards, rather than asking them to act more environmental.
Even the most environmental of us who really care about changing our pollution problem need incentives and easy solutions, because we are all so busy with all of the tasks of modern living each day. This is the first of the easy solutions WE presents.
Any support you, your friends or family can lend will get us closer to getting every person on the planet using a WON CUP faster!
It is time that we begin to reverse the effects of pollution on earth by Decreasing Demand which will lower production pollution and waste... and it's our responsibility.
I present you with a first option.
Here are all the ways you can support:
* Donate if You Can
* Join Our Instagram Page Today (Won.Earth)
* and Write On Any Post WHY That You Would Use WON CUP!
* Share Our Page and Movement with Everyone in Your Network, WE would be eternally grateful!
Your Support and Continued Following of our Movement is Invaluable to us (WE)!
Thank You for visiting WE and look out for your soonest WON CUP promotion!
Environmental Movement
Solving Trash and Pollution World Wide
Re-Usable Biodegradable Containers
Incentives For Using Our Containers
Launching WON CUP First!
Your support will help create brighter futures our children, our fellow plants and animals here on Earth with cleaner AIR, WATER and LAND.
This is the First Step to reducing the production of plastic polluting the air and then dumping on the land and being dumped in our oceans.
Producing WON CUP & Technology
Gathering Incentives & Partcipants
Marketing to Everyone On This Planet!
WE is so Excited People are Starting to Visit our Instagram Page and Comment about why they'd use WON CUP!
We'd Love to Hear Why You'd Use WON CUP Too!
Please Feel Free To Comment On Any Post!
And Thank You in Advance!
Lead Mechanic at Audi
"I Would use this Cup. It's Amazing! Think about it. You have a cup that you can take anywhere and win prizes with a cup. The cup also come with a lid and a built in straw. What ELSE do you need!!! Let's Get It Out There!
Environmental Consultant at AE for Navy & Airforce
"This cup is an amazing idea! We all need to be more aware of this!"
Eve Shpak
Won Earth (WE) Founder
Eve has been conceptualizing the path to a cleaner earth for a long time. Growing up on a farm in Maryland, she has always been deeply connected with Mother Earth. In contrast to her nature filled youth, she travelled to and lived in various cities around the world starting at age 9 with her family, presenting a stark contrast to how she was raised. All these confrontations between her deep connection to nature and the worldwide pollution she was exposed to, made her determined to ultimately be part of the solution to a cleaner earth rather turning a blind eye, which is what got us here.
Eve previously worked in film in camera and production for a few decades and has her own consulting and life coaching business as well as a BA from Washington University in St. Louis, MO.
To get updates please send us your email or join us on Instagram at Won.Earth
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